Kassie Schuerr; Founder, Director, Professional Horse Trainer, and Professional Instructor for Kingman's Healing Hooves.
CHA Certified Level 3 Professional Instructor English/Jumping, Western/Gymkana
CHA Certified Level 2 Riders with Disabilities Professional Instructor
PATH Member

- Animal Behavior and Equine Specialist with Associate of Science degrees in Animal Behavior, Animal Training and Wildlife Education.
- Over 40 years training horses, using techniques derived from personal experience with top equine trainers, horsemanship clinicians and a formal education.
- Trained over 15 different species of animals, she has been able to modify the training techniques that have been successful into custom training plans for individual horses and riders.
- Founded A-Schuerr-Thing Horsemanship because of her passion to continually improve her horsemanship skills, and the desire to help others reconnect with their horse in a way that promotes a safe partnership built on respect, trust and love.
- She has helped many avid riders come back from serious falls or injuries by tailoring a plan to regain confidence and the love of all things equestrian.
- Previously employed by the Mirage Hotel and Casino, Dolphin Habitat as an Animal Care Specialist, worked as a dolphin trainer for 7 years.
- Team member on a behavior modification research project with Autistic children that came to the facility to interact with the dolphins.

Lindsey Schuerr- Equine Specialist, Horse Trainer, Assistant Barn Manager, Education coordinator and Professional Instructor.
- Lindsey has grown up around horses and has developed the "timing and feel" that most people never find. She has vast experience in Horsemanship training, Western Pleasure, English Pleasure, Hunter Jumper and has shown in all the aboved mentioned disaplines.
- Her bond with Dreamer is amazing, she knows him inside-and-out, and has taught him behviors that enable her to easily mount, ride and dismount when she is having difficult days due to her rare genetic dissorder, Ehlor Danlos Syndrome type 3 and 4.
- She has taught him to lay down and allow her to bring her wheel chair, walker and/or crutches over to him so she can then mount. He is also trained to lay down for her to dismount, or stand and support her while she slides off his rump to land softly on the ground.
- He is cued into her every move and has on many occassions come to her when she is teaching lessons with a rider because he noticed her knee buckle and dislocate.
- THEY are an amazing team!
- Lindsey loves to share her knowledge of Dreamer, and teach equitation skills to our riders.

Tom Schuerr is the muscle and the fabricator behind Kingman's Healing Hooves. His preference for "horse power"is either 2 or 4 wheels. Tom has done an amazing job building and making our facility better every day, we couldn't do it without him!